Thursday, March 31, 2016

Come Alive: Adding Life to your Years and Years to your Life

Aging begins in the youngest of us. It’s more than a number and the word itself can be deceiving. We tend to only consider people who have experienced aging as people above a certain age..and we call them old. But aging in the context of health and well-being is really a measure of the wear like you would describe the condition of a house or motorcycle. So in that sense, aging can begin to affect us early-on. It just may not manifest as wrinkled skin in a young person. But a young person can still be aging their bodies unless they give themselves the care they deserve.

The body naturally repairs itself by recycling proteins, and regenerating itself at the cellular level using Stem Cells from our bone marrow. Even so, as we age, the process of aging will add up and contribute to the breakdown of our organs and tissues and the repair process won't be able to keep up. If we support these natural regeneration systems, we will be able to slow the aging processes and indeed reverse certain damages by helping our body heal itself.

The first rule of life extension is to prepare ourselves beginning from a young age by giving ourselves and our children the best advantages in well-being through healthy lifestyle choices so that our bodies perform at their optimal level of expression. Indeed, our genetic potential is only fully expressed when we give ourselves the best dietary inputs, positive and peaceful emotional conditions, challenging fitness routines, and hygienic self-care practices. Only through the best inputs will our DNA be fully activated at the epigenetic level. DNA is a blueprint but a more accurate analogy is that it's an entire library of blueprints from different architects and interior designers with a sliding scale from trailer home with the bare necessities to wealthy mansion with marble pillars and an interior design with grand pianos, modern art, and hi-tech security system.

If you give the body the proper materials and opportunities to go through the natural bio-rhythms and cycles to build itself and process through the stages of regeneration and self-care, you can build that mansion. Otherwise, if the materials are not available or if it never gets the opportunity because it's too busy doing damage-control and trying to survive, you won't be able to go beyond survival. Our goal should be to change our perspective of health from survival and simply not being sick--up to a higher level of existence and truly thriving.

Science has discovered most of the main causes of aging and we absolutely have access now to a myriad of ways to strengthen the body in these key ways. The body is fundamentally an energetic system so we know we certainly must maintain the metabolic system and support our Mitochondria. We also normally benefit from improving our digestive systems and supporting healthy gut bacteria. Another main area of interest is Antioxidants because too much oxidation leads to inflammation. A strong immune system is important for maintaining cellular integrity and preventing infections which can sap our energy.

Once we get the body's internal communication working normally again by improving hormone signalling, the Insulin and Leptin hormones and other messenger molecules will be working as normal and your metabolism will improve. Additionally, as you age, the communication within the nervous system and the brain can begin to break down and you can feel fatigued or spacey. We can address these issues hormonally through diet and vitamins as well as with new developments in brain nutrition and the science of anti-aging.

There are currently way too many in their 20's and 30's who are developing diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. (the early signs of diabetes can be low energy which is plaguing this generation) We owe it to ourselves to remember how valuable we are as Human Beings since we seem to have lost touch with the true values in life: people. With all the technology and apps, we've forgotten the value in the mirror.

My mission is to increase awareness about the new science of anti-aging and to help people live their lives more scientifically. People seem to do more research about a laptop or game console purchase than about the way they care for themselves or their children. Fortunately, for less than the price of a used video game, you can purchase at least one supplement or herb which can increase your overall quality of life and prevent diseases of aging! Find Hi-Tech Supplements and more at

Note: Youthing and Life-Extension isn't about increasing the amount of time you will be in a nursing home using a walker. This is about living more of your life full of energy and avoiding those conditions of old age throughout your entire lifetime.

Health is Wealth. Cheers to Optimization!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Breathing in Peace and Wellbeing through Coherent steady breathing patterns

Breathing is important for our well-being. This really goes without saying. It is in fact one of the main regulators of our energy-level. If we were to stop breathing and hold our breath, we would find very quickly that our wakefulness decreases and we feel a strong urge by our body to inhale a breath of fresh air.

What is interesting is that the breath can be consciously-controlled and some of the most blissful meditative states are able to be experienced by consciously regulating our breathing pattern and feeling the pressure and stress loosen up in our chest area.

Sometimes it's easy to fall into the habit of breathing short, shallow breaths and breathing more of these shorter breaths per minute. However, this is a more stressful way of breathing than longer, deeper breaths. They say that about 4-6 breaths per minute is the optimal resting breathing pattern.

Just as smiling can send certain signals to the brain to feel happier, breathing differently can also reduce stress and produce the relaxation response as well as promoting a state of flow.

It's sending not only more oxygen into the bloodstream but also working energetically with the nervous system.

In a sense, by allowing yourself to breathe at a smooth, even pace, you are working from a foundation of tranquility and expansive confidence rather than a state of fear, anxiety, or desperation. It's known that smooth breathing patterns along with consistent meditative practices produce improvements in Heart Rate Variability which is the measure of how adaptive your heart rate is.

Through signalling mediated by the Vagus Nerve, the lungs actually connect with the heart and brain through this very large, powerful nerve fiber and a lot of transmission of power flows through the Nervous System along this Nerve.

It is now being well-documented that the heart and lungs actually are very critical in determining the activity of the mind. it's like the systems that bring in the energy so the brain and heart can do their processing.

It can be especially nice to go into a nice place in Nature such as a wooded area where one can absorb the clean purified air of the trees. Of course, it's also nice to get away from all the stresses humans create for themselves in the cities.

The action of breathing is actually a major route of elimination of toxic metabolic waste-products like Carbonic Acid. This is what's converted into Carbon-Dioxide and exhaled. Plus, the physical movement of the lungs plays a part in movement of the digestive tract and the excretion of waste that happens in the bowels.

Breath is closely-linked to the Hydration in the body as well so maintaining hydration levels is important for the flexibility of the lungs.

Also, the hydration and movement of fluids in the body is mediated by the movement of the Diaphragm which can be pictured like a plunger which "primes" the water through the pipe.

By knowing these facts, we can realize that in order to get the full benefit of hydration and the food we eat, we need to fully breathe and balance out our nervous system.

Since breathing is generally a subconscious process, by regularly practicing different breathing patterns, you can start changing the way you breathe when you're not thinking about it.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Increasing Cognitive Performance for school and work with Nootropics

Many of us are in college or know somebody going through school or who has a job which requires a lot of mental studying and cognitive performance. We've all been in the situation of trying to write an essay and getting the writer's block and not really knowing where to begin. When we are writing or doing any kind of highly-creative work where we need to organize somewhat massive amounts of information and be re-synthesizing it and re-organizing it in our minds, we require our mind to be performing optimally.

The brain, not to mention the entire human body, is a magnificent piece of equipment! The amount of raw information able to be processed exceeds what we would consider the equipment capable of handling if we didn't have some understanding of the processes actually involved. But since we know that Nature is ingenious at breeding elegance and complexity in a way that adapts from one strategy to another so seamlessly...we know she can handle what we give her.

There are a few main key ingredients we should probably be sure to give our brain if we are to get the optimal amount of functionality from this organ however. We need to provide copious amounts of Oxygen, blood flow, energy (fat and/or glucose), and nuerotransmitters which are also basically hormones like neuroepinephrine and neuroadrenanline as well as Vitamin D.

So what I see people doing is giving themselves Caffeine as a way of boosting brain power but not so much actually providing all the materials that the brain needs to maintain itself and operate at its highest level of efficiency and power. So, as helpful as Caffeine can be for improving the funciton fon the brain, it can only do so much to actually increase the amount of value that is being created by that mental activity. It can make the brain work faster but not necessarily smarter. The actual process of neuroplasticity (which means the brain physically changing itself and changing the way it's connected to itself and the senses we have) is dependent on having the growth factors and building blocks needed for maintaining and repairing these connections in the brain.

For the brain to actually modify itself and grow as a machine so it's upgrading from a Pentium I to a Quantum Computer requires you to go through actual phase changes, functional changes, physical changes, and process-related changes in the mind...rather than simply speeding up your perception of the existing conscious flow and experiences.

So even though we may be able to fly through that essay when we get that jolt of Caffeine, it's probably not going to be at much of an improved quality. So that's why nootropics are so fascinating! Nootropics basically help your neurons function at the level we are evolutionarily capable of performing at. Now, that's not to say it's like the movie "Limitless" where you pop a pill and become Superman overnight by being able to absorb all human knowledge at the snap of your fingers...but you will be able to learn more and in a more connected way when you pay attention to your experiences and your studies.

I will be writing a more in-depth post about nootropics later. For now, you can check out the nootropics I have handpicked on my online store here: Just follow the link to the SuperStore.

One of the best all-around cognition enhancers is a formula created by the Life Extension Foundation which is called "Cognitex with Pregnenalone and PQQ."

As always,

Cheers to Optimization!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

This Freshwater SuperFood boosts your Mood and Stem Cell Proliferation

Blue-Green Algae is a popular SuperFood among people of all walks of life. Like Chocolate, it contains Phenylethylamine which is a feel-good hormone and nuerotransmitter that helps balance out the neurotransmittes in our brains. This plant-based SuperFood is a 20X more concentrated source of Chlorophyll than Wheatgrass juice....which is a pretty strong statement since Wheatgrass is already quite the Superfood! The earliest recorded use is 1,600 years ago in China, so it definitely has a track record of success!

This SuperFood has the ability to improve verbal and cognitive reasoning as well as memory so if you are in college or in a mentally demanding job, this SuperFood could help keep your brain sharp. It's also popular among bodybuilders because the beta-endorphins that are released by Blue-Green Algae help you push through a tough lift at the gym.

One of the most amazing features of this is the ability of this SuperFood to increase the Blood Oxygenation levels. The main reason for this is the Chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll can help your body create brand new Red Blood Cells, which are of course a very vital component of the blood and are responsible for delivering fresh Oxygen to each of your millions of cells during both normal and strenuous activities.

It also revs up the metabolism so if you are chronically tired, you may benefit from Blue-Green Algae. Athletes can definitely improve their endurance and performance on the field or the court by taking this natural plant superfood.

Aging Americans suffering from Alzheimer's can benefit from the increased blood oxygenation and the balanced neurotransmitters. The memory and alertness benefits of Blue-Green Algae are quite pronounced due to the higher levels of oxygen.

One of the most amazing benefits is that Stem Cell proliferation is increased. This means that the cells from your bones which are responsible for healing and repairing the tissues are increased in number and this helps them get to the parts of the body that need the stem cells the most. So whatever organs have issues, this can help heal that organ. Naturally, it's just one component of an overall healthy lifestyle, but as a powerful SuperFood, it can definitely play a big role in helping you level up.

Stem Cell proliferation can be especially helpful after a sports injury or an injury caused through lifting. Any kind of injury at all will have the opportunity to heal better or possibly faster through the use of this SuperFood.

As for the Acetylcholine benefits this offers to your brain, this helps stimulate neural growth and synaptic connectivity. Acetylcholine is involved in memory and alertness. The neural growth and synaptic connectivity is what is behind nueroplasticity which is the ability of the brain to physically adapt as you go into different environments and learn new things through experiences and studying. This process is fundamentally important for college students who are in the position of needing to learn massive amounts of new information. Also writers and anybody doing creative work needs their brain to be able to adapt and change as you are evolving throughout your creative pursuits.

The beta-endorphins that are released by this are actually naturally produced by the body endogenously but it's interesting to note that even the drug MDMA stimulates the release of these same hormones. Beta-endorphins are also released after a long run and this is known as a "runner's high." Now, the way that this Blue-Green Algae releases these beta-endorphins is a lot more natural than the effect of MDMA. But it will likely make you feel pretty good even in the face of events which might normally stress people out.

Another beautiful benefit of Blue-Green Algae is....well....the Blue color. This chemical that creates this color is called Anthocyanin and it is involved in eye health and actually the health of many systems in all of your cells.

Lastly, this SuperFood is especially capable of preventing and reversing Cardiovascular disease. So if you have a family history of cardiovascular disease, this Algae could help prevent you from getting the disease if used along with other healthy lifestyle choices. If you are a family member currently has cardiovascular disease, this could help deliver more Oxygen to the heart muscle which always requires a constant metabolism of energy which takes a lot of Oxygen.

All in all, it's a great SuperFood with benefits that make it a great part of most peoples' health supplement stack. Whether it makes sense as part of your strategy depends on your personal lifestyle and what you are currently using. Even if you already have used Wheatgrass juice, this has 20X the amount! That's a pretty amazing difference!

Let me know in the comments below if you have used this before and what you thought! If you'd like to support this blog and the research I do, consider purchasing Blue-Green Algae through my site!

Cheers to Optimization!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Upgrade your Whey Protein & Improve Recovery Cycle & Strengthen Immunity

If you are a serious fitness enthusiast or bodybuilder, you have very likely used Whey Protein. Its high-protein is convenient to add to a blender bottle, protein shake, or smoothie and gulp down after your workout. The Amino Acids are key to rebuilding the freshly worked muscles and giving the body what it needs to keep the immune system and all organs functioning at their highest potential.

It's basically undisputed that Whey Protein benefits the bodybuilder. There are so many on the market to choose from and they all use buzzwords to try to distinguish themselves from the pack. How do you really know which ones are science-based and that the container or package actually contains the highest-quality protein?

As they say, you are what you eat.

If we are what we eat, it must also be true that we are what we eat eats. The food we eat comes in two main categories: plant-based and animal-based. Whey protein comes from cows. But what did the cow eat that went into the milk to create that concentrated Whey protein? Most cows are fed a diet high in grains which is not their natural source of food that they evolved to eat.

Cows are evolved/designed to graze in fields of grass in the sunshine and transform this into high-quality milk.

So what are the key benefits of choosing a Grassfed Whey Protein? Firstly, the cow itself is going to be healthier so the type of milk she will produce will be of a higher quality. The cow will be healthier so the immunoglobulins that are secreted into the milk will be in greater number and quality. And the protein will be more pure.

One of the primary differences is that grassfed milk and butter contains high-concentrations of a chemical called Butyrate. This molecule improves the balance of natural bacteria in our guts towards the healthier ones that help us digest nutrients from our food Butyrate boosts our immune system.

So what kind of Grassfed protein should you choose? I love the Upgraded Grassfed Whey Protein. It's excellent for all the reasons stated above plus it also contains Colostrum and powderized MCT oil from Cconut fat. Get it here.

Colostrum is the name for the first several days of milk production in all mammals, including humans! When a mother starts lactating for the first time or for the newly born baby, that first milk production is like 100X more powerful than milk is!!! Basically the Colostrum is super-rich in Immune-stimulating immunoglobulins and growth-stimulating hormones like HGH and IGF-1. This is true across all mammals, including the dairy cow.

When a human uses Colostrum as an adult, it has the same effects it does on a newborn baby when they nurse from their mother! You get an immune boost that makes it easier to build muscle-mass and develop your immunity so you are healthier overall. I have personally noticed a 10X difference between plain protein powder and Colostrum supplements.

I've tried many kinds of Whey Protein and the kind that Upgraded produces is by far the best quality with the best absorbing consistency. I feel actually nutritionally-fed and I can imagine that I am actually getting the same level of health-benefits as a newborn baby does when nursing from their mother. It's definitely the best Whey Protein available.

 Upgraded Whey Protein (Grassfed - with Colostrum and Powderized MCT oil from Coconut Fat)

The other beautiful thing about this brand of protein is just how pure the ingredients are! There are fewer fillers than most other proteins I've used before.

If you want to truly know what you're putting into your body and be confident your training will get the best results you're looking for, you can't go wrong with this protein!

Friday, March 18, 2016

When Less Is More - Might Fasting from Carbs Increase your Metabolic Health?

You may have read about Ketosis which is a state of metabolism where your body is primarily burning fats called ketones and burning very little or no glucose or carbohydrates. When your body is in this state, it's able to balance its energy metabolism much better and almost everyone reports reduced cravings and hunger. Many studies and anecdotal evidence point to this state of metabolism having benefit for pretty much whole-body health. Two of the largest energy-consumers in the body: the brain and heart, both love to use fats as an energy source. In fact, mitochondria can burn either glucose or fats and fats actually burn more cleanly than glucose does. This results in the generation of far fewer AGE's which are Advanced Glycation End-Products. These cause protein cross-linking in the body which is basically scar tissue that can even be below the surface of the body and all throughout the inside of your cells and you not even be able to directly see the signs.

So you can use a source of healthy fats found in such foods as Coconuts, Avocados, Eggs, GrassFed Butter, Fish, and so on. Coconut Fat is able to be obtained in the diet in a concentrated form known as MCT oil. This is a fraction of the Coconut fats which are the healthiest and most potent and usable form of MCT's.
 MCT oil from Coconut fat

Aside from eating these foods rich in healthy fats, you may also greatly benefit from allowing your body to have a rest or partial rest from digesting foods at all. If you stimulate the immune system and trigger cell membrane and blood turnover, you'll be in a prime time for fasting and allowing your body a good opportunity to go into phagocytosis - a state of breaking down the old cells in the body and recycling parts and giving more clean growing space for the younger, newly generated cells and cell parts.


Enzymes are very important in this process of digesting food as well as creating the conditions for phagocytosis. If you are doing a fast or trying to lose weight, MCT's easily digestible protein, good hydration, good sources of fat, and some enzymes can make a big difference in your strategy! MCT's are incredibly good at reducing cravings and helping to provide energy in a way that's actually providing a source of energy rather than stimulating energy like caffeine in Red Bull or Coffee.

A couple of amazing high-enzyme foods include Avocados and Wheatgrass juice. And then if you throw in some fresh salads, and high amounts of Vitamin C and Orange juice, you're actually creating the pH conditions in the gut for healthy bacteria while also providing lots of Vitamin C for the stimulation of the Immune System.

High-Enzyme Foods:

For Enzyme supplementation, I would recommend the PuraDyme Enzymes:
 PuraDyme Enzymes

Once you begin strengthening the health of your gut, you create better conditions internally which actually modifies the way that all the food you eat is digested and treated. So this is basically a synergistic process that builds up over time. So it's better than a synergistic process. As you know, a synergy is when combining two or more compounds or foods creates a results stronger than the sum of both of them if they were used separately in isolation. So when you start detoxifying and upgrading the human body and seeing how it's a beautifully orchestrated ecosystem really...and that the trillions of bacteria cells in our gut are basically an extension of our own gain a new perspective of how lifestyle changes work. Because of these principles, it's important that you make sure that the change you are looking for is something you truly want to make happen. And then stick with the lifestyle change. And then you should know that there are lots of basic cycles that the body goes through pretty naturally. These are called bio-rhythms. And you can actually benefit greatly by consciously generating these cycles whilst being still mindful and flexible about the signals your body is sending...

So the beauty of upgrading the actual system is that you are practically upgrading the effects of the foods that you put in later. It's a compounding process similar to beginning a savings account when you are younger. It's the same dollars but as they compound over time they begin to each earn higher amount of interest because collectively they are stronger because they are organized into a larger balance in the same account. Upgrading the metabolic pathways in your body leads to better processing speed. You can choose between different types of software on your laptop. You could use free video editing software or you could use professional grade Adobe software with a much larger feature package. You get better results and capabilities with the premium software but when you upgrade the entire system at the machine level, whatever software you decide to use works better and you can also run more software simultaneously.

Another way we can help our digestive system process work better and also help our newly created cells build-out better is to provide the body with an easily-digestible and immune-enhancing protein powder that is both highly-nutritious and very convenient to consume. The most popular kind of protein is Whey protein but if you are Vegan, good sources of protein include Pea and Hemp protein. If you go with Whey protein powder, grassfed has its benefits. The brand I would recommend for Grassfed Whey Protein is Upgraded Whey Protein with Colostrum and powdered MCT:
 Upgraded Whey Protein Powder with Colostrum and MCT Powder

The beauty of this protein is that it's especially-absorbable because of the minimal processing that it has undergone and more importantly, it packs a powerful immune-boosting punch. The whey itself and then especially because it includes the Colostrum which is the freshest milk output from a newly-lactating cow. (first 3 or so days of milk productions) This Colostrum contains immune-enhancing immunoglobulins which is the same reason a human baby is able to grow so fast and healthy when they are breast-fed by their mother.

So these basic types of SuperFoods and supplements can enhance your performance when regularly used or when used as part of a combination in a cycle for fasting or detoxification purposes.

There are two other antioxidant supplements which could prove to be beneficial for this type of detoxification protocol (or overall lifestyle). These are Chaga Mushroom Extract and also Lyposomal Glutathione. If Lyposomal Glutathione is too costly, you could get reasonably similar results using Lyposomal Vitamin C.

Chaga Mushroom provides an unbelievably high amount of Super-Oxide Dismutase which is able to cool down inflammatory reactions and help give your immune system an advantage in the anti-entropy fight against oxidative strress that is the process of being a living organism.
 Chaga Mushroom Extract

Glutathione has been called "The Body's Master Antioxidant" for its role as basically a stronger form of Vitamin C...In fact its role in the human body is so precious that we use Vitamin C to actively recycle Glutathione and keep our stores of it strong. Another antioxidant which is important to have plenty of so we can stay young and healthy...
 Glutathione Benefits (Upgraded Glutathione)

Lyposomal Vitamin C is a hi-tech form of Vitamin C which takes a hint from Biological systems by wrapping the Vitamin C inside of a phospholipid bilayer of healthy fats which guards it against the extreme pH of our stomach acid. Since normally Vitamin C consumed in the form of, let's say, an Orange, would still be contained within the cells that make up the Orange, this is just a way of mimicking nature so that it's a more available way to supplement with the vitamin and you get more value from it.
 Lypospheric Vitamin C by LivOn Labs

All of these suggestions should help you on your journey whether you're planning to do a fast or detox or incorporating these regularly into your health regimen. As with any other machine, the body is designed to go through cycles of use and rest and to be cleaned up from the toxic build-ups that they experience. For a full list of my other detoxification recommendations, see my Detoxification Page on the webstore.

Supplements aren't the only keys you can use to unlock your inner potential. It's your mindset which will also help you become the healthy, high-energy human being you are...on the inside. It's all about bringing out that inner shine that's already there. The genetics are there. The blueprints are there. Your body knows how to heal itself. Like polishing up a rock, just get on your grind and polish up the inner-workings a bit and you're ready to shine.

Cheers to Optimization my friends...